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Join us in celebrating the rich heritage of Aotearoa with Te Tai Tonga, a vibrant pan-tribal community group from South Auckland! For 25 years, Te Tai Tonga has proudly showcased authentic and enriching Māori cultural experiences that connect us all. Whether at local, national, or international events, their performances bring the spirit of the Māori people to life.

Be captivated by the talented members as they perform a formal Pōwhiri (welcome), feel the thrill of the haka, admire the skillful Poi dancers, and enjoy both traditional and contemporary Māori songs. Immerse yourself in the rich story of our Māori community.

Let us create unforgettable experiences that leave a lasting impression on your heart and soul. Come and be a part of our story!

Join us for a special buffet dinner starting at 7 PM, followed by the Māori Culture Show at 8 PM at our HAAST Restaurant in our Auckland Hotel & Conference Centre.

When is it happening?

Please click here to view our Maori Dinner & Show Menu.

Please note that this experience is subject to availability and minimum numbers. Please note that alcoholic beverages are not included or part of the buffet dinner. Terms & conditions apply. 

Auckland Airport Shuttle Information

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