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A Day in the Life of Jetson

Posted By: Jet Park Hotels - 21 Mar, 2022

Jetson from JetPark Auckland


Jetson was adopted from the SPCA when he was 5 years old on the 11th November 2019.  Originally called Rattlesnake Jake, he was surrendered to the SPCA as his previous owners could no longer care for him.  He was described as a sweet boy who can be a little shy and grumpy at times but once he got to know you would be really smoochy and friendly. We had asked the SPCA to keep an eye out for a cat that they thought would be well suited to life in a hotel.  It took about 6 months but they phoned us to say they thought they had the purrfect cat.

Adopting Jetson from SPCA

From day one, Jetson was the king of the office.  We kept him inside for three weeks to get used to his surroundings and identify his home base in case he needed to escape somewhere in a hurry.  We installed a cat door with a ramp so he can easily get in and out, however we did put a curfew on him so he wasn’t allowed to stay out all night as there are some wild cats that hang around.

Jetson at JetPark Auckland

Jetson is the most laid-back cat.  He is such a good boy, and he has provided so much comfort to everyone who comes across him.  We had no idea that when we adopted Jetson, it would only be three months later that the pandemic hit and we ended up becoming a quarantine hotel.  Apart from a six-week stint where he went home with a staff member whilst the admin staff worked from home and there was no-one left in the office to look after him, he has been onsite with the team keeping everyone company. 

Here is a day in the life of Jetson in his own words:

5.00am I start meowing to be let outside to start off my day exploring.  The staff are well-trained and will open the cat door so I can exit and do my business.  I hate using the litter tray and will only do this in an absolute emergency if they ignore my pleas to go outside.

7.00am The reception staff start arriving, so I make sure to go and stare at them until they walk me to my food bowl. It’s always got biscuits in it, but I like the company and its not like my minions have anything more important than me to attend to. Once finished my snack I will go back outside and hide in the bushes. If I see Bob the boxer arrive, I make sure to come out of my hiding place so he can see me.  He’s stoopid and starts barking and lunging at me, but his Mum has him on a tight leash so he can’t get me.  I just sit there and wash my paw with no care in the world – one quick fire paw swipe and Bob would be running for the hills.

Jetson at JetPark Auckland looking out

8.00am Either my office “Mum or Dad” have arrived by this time, they will do anything for me.  They both have an area dedicated to my sleep on their desks, and I can choose who I want to keep company.  Sometimes I choose to split my time between them, or sometimes I choose to ignore one and only sleep on the other one’s desk.  Of course, I need to be walked to the food bowl during the day whilst they are here on a regular occasion.  Both my “Mum and Dad” have special treats hidden in their desk drawers just for me, so I make sure I do my most pitiful meow whilst looking longingly in the direction of the treats.  Usually, Dad will give me about 5 and then Mum will give me about 8 so I have more than my 10-treat allowance, but don’t tell them that haha. I am very good at giving high fives, which is my special trick and I keep on pawing them just in case they give me more. Sometimes I can get treats from other people passing by too.

Jetson at JetPark Auckland playing

9.00am I am now curled up on either “Mum or Dad’s” desk where I spend a large chunk of the day sleeping.  Mum has a special cup of water on her desk for me so I don’t have to go far.  Mum also lets me sleep and doesn’t annoy me during the day, so I prefer to sleep on her desk.  However if she leaves the desk for any reason, I will pack a sad and go to Dad’s desk until she apologizes.

Jetson at JetPark Auckland sleeping

10.00am I am still sleeping and dreaming of chasing skinks

11.00am I am still sleeping and dreaming of catching rabbits

12.00pm I have had another snack and drink and gone back to bed again.

1.00pm I am still sleeping and dreaming

Jetson at JetPark Auckland sleeping inside

2.00pm I eventually wake up for something to eat.  Mum usually tells me to go outside as I have been sleeping all day, so begrudgingly I will exit the cat door so long as she stands there holding it open whilst I decide what I am doing. Once I’m outside, I head over to the pond area where there are goldfish swimming around.  I like to watch them and every once in a while, I pretend I can just about catch one.  I am a good hunter!!

3.00pm I have been hunting in the bush area, and I bring in a skink.  I don’t know why my gifts are not appreciated, one of the office girls start screaming and jumps on her desk.  I just ignore her and play with my skink for a while before I either lose interest and walk away or I eat it, bones crunching makes a good sound.

4.00pm I have gone back outside to get away from the noise, and I am now hiding under my favourite plants watching the world go by.

Jetson at JetPark Auckland playing outside

5.00pm Have to keep watch as my Mum usually leaves at this time and I like to come out of my hiding space, wind around her legs until she pats me. Flop on the ground and get my tummy rubbed.  When she says goodbye and starts to walk away, I make sure I follow her meowing so she is forced to stop again, pay me more attention and has to bring me back inside for more food or distract me so she can escape.  That’s okay, I got what I wanted either way!!

6.00pm I have come in for food and gone back out again.  I like to be outside during this time as I get to meet up with my friend, Ginge. We just hang out together and talk about cat stuff. 

7.00pm My curfew is drawing close, so I have to be quick now.  I’m in and out a couple of times to get food but make sure they can’t lock the cat door.

8.00pm This is my curfew, but I make sure I have closed my ears and can’t hear them when they call me.  I’m just hanging out in the garden, having a snooze.

Jetson at JetPark Auckland walking outside

9.00pm I can see my favourite housekeeper Clare, so I go to say hi to her.  She pays me lots of attention but calls me fatty.  I don’t think I’m fat at all, I’m just big boned.  My vet told the hoomans that I need to lose 3.7kgs so they put me on this weight management food, but I go catch birds and skinks to top up that diet. I’m a growing boy who needs his food. 

10.00pm Clare has tricked me into going inside, and now my cat door is shut.  I go and see the army boys who are in the next room and supervise what they are doing.  I make sure they are paying attention and I lend them my special catervise skills.

11.00pm I have settled down for the night on the office chair with the army boys.  I will stay here for the night, roaming between the chair, office desk, food bowl and pillow.  The good thing about being a hotel cat is there is always someone around to cater to my whims.

Jetson at JetPark Auckland with officers